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Treat yourself or someone special to a bouquet of mixed locally grown flowers .


Very Fresh Seasonal  Flowers bouquet contains mixed colors of the best blooms of the week  ( please note arrangement will contain flowers in various stages to guarantee the longest vase life)



Flowers are being cut a day before you receive delivery to guarantee its fleshiness .


Bouquet will contain around 40 stems of various blooms , foliage and grasses


No two bouquets ever the same and never been treated with any flower preserving chemicals .Since we work with season -flowers change week by week and you will get delivery of the best blooms of the week 


All bouquets are wrapped in eco-friendly  paper and tied off with natural string. You can add a gift message too.


Everything is grown here on the farm organically . Your blooms are hand picked and delivered on Saturday or Sunday  only  ( you can place order in advance and for any special delivery arrangements please get in touch )


We deliver fresh flowers  within Co Cavan / Co Meath /and Co Dublin area only

Seasonal Flowers Bouquet

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